Thursday, 20 September 2007

Set Your Minds.

Reading Passage: Col.: 3.1-17

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth - Col 3:2-3 RSV

A watch repairer noticed that a man came every morning and set his watch according to the master clock in the shop.

When asked, the man explained: I am the one who blows the siren in the town and I set my watch according to your master clock and I blow the siren according to my watch!”

The watch repairer started laughing loudly. Hey, I set my clock hearing your siren, man! said he.

We cannot set our watch according to just any clock. We need to set it to a standard time. Likewise, we cannot give our mind to be set to any trivial pursuit. We belong not to this world, but to Christ (Col. 3. 1). We need to set it according to the heavenly standard. We do not live according to the worldly standard. Men of this world will say, that is normal, everybody does it. May be everybody is doing it, and they find nothing wrong with that. However, we can do only the things that Jesus would do. So, at every juncture, ask: “What Would Jesus Do” (WWJD)?

Paul here exhorts us not only to be cautious about deeds, but also not to put our mind on things that is not at par with Jesus! When a worldly thought comes to us, our mind should not respond to it. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God Col 3:3. A dead man does not respond! When you are offered deceptive gain, unshared comfort, undue respect, your mind does not rise up to receive it! You abstain from those things, not just because they are forbidden. You resent it. That is a natural indignation, since your mind is not on that. However, when you see the things that make heaven happy and delight Jesus, you are overwhelmed with joy, for your mind is set on heavenly things!

Prayer: Lord, I do not look for the gains of this material world. I know, I am called to live with a heavenly standard in this world. I set my mind on heavenly things - on You. AMEN.

Further readings: Hebrews. 3:1; 11:13-16; 12:1-3

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