Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Let There be Light

Passage: Gen 1:2-4

“And God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.” Gen 1:3

God saw that the world he made had become void and shapeless. God came down to see what had happened. Everything was a mess because there was darkness upon the deep!

Who created darkness?

There is no need to create darkness… Just blow the light out and it is darkness. Darkness is not something that has a being. It is just the absence of light.

Once, during an over-night function, an elderly man gave a lit lantern to a boy and asked him to keep it where he finds darkness. After the lad rambled on for a while, he said he couldn’t see darkness! Yes, wherever he put the lantern, the darkness fled and light reigned! Where there is no light, it is darkness. Where there is light, there is no darkness. It is mutually exclusive.

Darkness turned Earth into a chaos. In fact, the problem was not darkness, but absence of light. To rebuild the earth, light should come back! Therefore, God said- Let there be light, and there was light! And light brought life, and, life bought everything!

Isn’t it confusing to see that light is created in the first day, while God creates sun only on the fourth day?

In this description of creation, neither darkness nor light is referred to literally. In this context, the darkness is a spiritual darkness. The earth was without God, and it became void. Darkness was upon the deep, because there was no light, or in other words, because of the lack of God’s presence! To make things right, it was not the light of the sun that was needed, but the light of God… Therefore, God sent His light to the world, and the world was rebuilt! “In him was life, and that life was the light of men.” John 1:4

Sun is not the source of light. Son is. It is God! He himself is light, and in Him, there is no darkness! (1JOHN 1-5) In His presence, everything is light. In His absence, everything is darkness.

God created us as children of light. We, however, yielded to darkness many times over. We need God to hover over us so that the darkness in us is turned into light.

“Shine upon me O’ Holy God, so that I can reflect your light.”

Further reading John 1: 1-14 1. John 1: 5-7

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